Tuesday, February 24, 2009

6 feet down

Times are up times are down... When it all comes to the bottom line when all good things have to come to an end of every beginning... And when you're at the position this is where health problems are bringing you down with cough, tiredness and headaches... And also when you are thinking of your future which is putting your life away from begging by the road sides you begin to worry and wonder if you're doing well enough... Friendship that you treasure when you were young and brought foward to this times and you wonder if they are your soulmates that will walk with you till the very end no matter what boundaries or understanding that crosses your way you will still trust each other... And when love comes in the way you question yourself "Is it a sin to love that would japadise your future or waste your time?"...

Meeting new enemies and making new friends is wether you would trust them on their first impression and also wonder what your past friends had become today...Going out late nights and taxing yourself till the limit... Wondering who has the nicer body and pumping iron all day long just to become a big chunk of meat just to be better than the others... Skipping meals just because you don't feel like eating, eating irregular hours or just to keep body in shape?

Talking about cash is whether you have more than the other OR how you invest or save or get? Spending time and cash and sacrifising every second towards someone that might have to think whether its worth it and how you impress someone or show how much him/her is meant to you...

Is this what is worth? Is this the questions and problems everyone is facing? I bet one of them is? I wanna change every statement i wrote opposite, I wish i can and i want to, just to prove whatever crap i wrote is not true towards me...

Signing off


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